Your Vote - Your Voice
Today, November 5th, is Election Day !
Our children belong in playgrounds not worrying about their safety at public and school spaces. I am Dr. Almaria Baker, the Democratic candidate for the Kentucky House of Representatives District 28. Would you spare 30 seconds to listen to why this issue is so important to our community?
I want results and to do that I would like your vote on November 5th. Thank you!

Almaria Baker
Kentucky State House of Representatives
District 28
“Too many of the politicians in Frankfort only listen to other politicians or the out-of-state donors who fund their campaigns. The only voices that matter to me belong to the working men and women of the 28th District.”
A fierce advocate for her students and their families, Almaria sees that parents have the information and resources they need to raise their children. With her experience and civic engagement, Almaria will be a strong and clear voice for the working families of the 28th District.
As a member of JCTA, she supports unions, collective bargaining and a living wage. She is committed to working tirelessly on our behalf to strengthen the middle class, focusing on education, health care and enhancing small business.
Almaria Baker is running for State Representative to bring her energy, advocacy, experience, and dedication to serve the families of the 28th district in Frankfort.
In her Early Childhood Education career, she was the owner of Baker Early Learning Center (managing staff, directing staff training, strategic planning, grant development, payroll, etc.), an Early Childhood Adjunct Professor at Campbellsville University and Ashford University, and various early childhood positions (Licensing Representative, Developmental Therapist, SPED Resource Teacher, etc.)
In addition, Almaria has worked for the Jefferson County Public School as an Early Childhood Teacher, providing instructuction to at-risk children and children with disabilities. Currently, Almaria is a Career Technical Education (CTE) Teacher at Iroquois High School. She primarily teaches students about careers in Early Childhood Education.
Almaria received her Bachelor of Science in Sociology from the University of Louisville, as well as two Master degrees in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education and Special Education. She earned her Doctorate degree from the University of the Cumberlands in Educational Administration.